About us

Through collaboration with sister company TPSolar, we bring almost 10 years of experience in the sustainable energy sector. Together we work towards a sustainable future.

Connor Hendriks and Ulf Rietmann already invested in the smarter use of the solar parks at TPSolar. With the challenges on the Dutch power grid, they came to the conclusion, that solar parks should be combined with large scale energy storage systems. So they did. In the beginning of 2023, they created TPStorage, which lead them to an entire focus on battery projects.

The energy transition and battery systems are always closely associated to the themes of sustainability and safety. TPStorage therefore works exclusively with highly qualified partners during the development, construction and management of its battery systems.

In addition, we work closely with local residents, municipalities, provinces, network operators and safety regions such as the fire department during the realization. After all, a successful energy transition with a stable electricity network requires support, cooperation and knowledge sharing.

Connor Hendriks (links) en Ulf Rietmann (rechts)

Connor Hendriks

Connor Hendriks was already involved in reserving and realizing grid connections within TPSolar before the founding of TPStorage. As co-director of TPStorage, he also focuses on battery systems. ‘I noticed in my conversations with the regional grid operators, that they were facing huge challenges to keep the power grid stable and reinforced’ Connor explains. ‘Our solar parks are already being deployed smarter and smarter, and soon grid connections with energy storage will be utilized better as well.’

Ulf Rietmann

After 11 years of experience with large-scale solar rooftop projects, community batteries and larger storage systems, Ulf Rietmann joins TPStorage as co-director and expert in battery systems. “In the coming years, energy storage will become a crucial part of the renewable energy sector” adds Ulf. “It is still a fairly new development within the energy transition, but our company is well prepared to grow in this area in the coming years.”

Together Connor and Ulf -with the project developers involved- are currently working hard to realize TPStorage’s first energy storage project(s).